Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire !!!

It was Slumdog Millionaire all over the Oscars today! I happened to watch the film only yesterday night when Tata Sky suddenly decided to make my Life Zingalala :)

I was moved by the movie. I feel it’s a wonderful creation depicting the core part of Mumbai which we; so called white-collar people; are unaware of or rather ashamed of. I read articles from many big shots criticizing the Movie saying it showed the dark part of the City. But can we deny it? It’s not a fiction. It’s the sulking truth. We dream Mumbai to become Shanghai and all we all boil down upon is the Zopadpatti. Well I too am not happy when I see the slums from airplane while descending to Mumbai but what is that we are doing? We feel “Indian” in criticizing Boyle saying he showed Mumbai in bad light but the ground fact remains!

So let’s loud 8 cheers to the movie as it gave the recognition to Indian geniuses like A.R. Rehman, Gulzar and many more. If we can celebrate Sunita Williams’ space euphoria when she never was here and didn’t contribute anything to India, why can’t we praise Boyle for making a touching movie based on our reality. Why do we want the world to see the IT-Giant Progressing India and not the other side of the coin? Lets show the world where we are to make them realize where we have reached in near future and we can all do it!

I really loved the movie and it’s worth what it got today. Let’s not see it as a movie made by an Englishman showing poverty in India. Let’s see it as a hard reality which the world expects us to do something about. Many options … many solutions…whose matching the pairs….No One… not even me, not even you!

I would recommend all to watch the movie. It moves your heart and makes you think. The message is clear silver lining. We get hassled by such petty issues in life and start blaming others. In the movie, Jamal does not blame anyone and just goes on with his life-struggle. It’s not his fault that he was born in slum but he still fights. We are born with a descent life already earned by our patents. Let’s help those who were not so lucky. Let’s do our bit before we start blaming politicians. Let’s show them some light!

Jaago India Jaago!!!