Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Letter to Mr Kejrival by an AAP Supporter

Dear Mr Kejrival,

Starting with a well-known saying - “To change the system, you need to be a part of the system”!

I am really disappointed with your recent actions. Why contest again Modi? To prove you can challenge the leader of a would-be-largest party? And gain what? All know it’s hard to defeat Modi in Varanasi. Then why this stunt Sir? You did same in Delhi by letting the golden opportunity go in feat of emotions. You should have stayed and shown what all can you do. Now only words remain!!!

Btw didn’t we want an ABC (anything but Congress) government this time? Then why are you making it a different ABC (Aravind benefiting Congress) by focusing all your energy on Modi? Let Modi be! Let’s focus on strengthening the AAP party. Aren’t we running too fast? Why not continue doing good work and build a rapport for next elections? Let people taste a BJP government and let them realise it’s not much different than congress and then hit hard and take over in 2019? Why we making a toddler run than first teaching it to stand firm?

A BJP supporter till now, I joined app few months ago as I was very impressed with your views and was moved by the heart you showed for the nation. I always had thoughts on similar lines. Yes I do believe we need to have a "controlled" democracy than the "do-anything-and-get-away-as-I-have-'contacts'" one !!!

But recently, it’s frustrating to see AAP behaving like any other party. I am amused at your media comment.  When we do not have a proof why comment and add to our own woes? Why not first come to the power, investigate and then bash the culprits? 

Again, why ask people to tell if you should contest from Varanasi? Why not ask them to tell their problems. Why do a showbiz in Mumbai by taking public commute than presenting AAP plan to ease the traffic conditions. I mean, does anyone need to tell that traffic & pathetic roads is one of the top concerns of this overcrowded metro? With BMC being richer than many small states, it’s shocking that the roads, water and rehabilitation are still nagging issues here. To touch other cities, Delhi has low and order and women's safety as top issue, Nagpur needs rain water harvesting, and Pune needs a streamlined traffic controlling and more flyovers. The list goes on. AAP must try to know and raise these basic issues. (Yes I had posted similar comments on one of that APP FB pages – there are too many pages btw and someone should publish the ‘real’ ones). 

The Nation has started believing in you and it’s sad to see you becoming one of “them”. India needs a visionary….not another politician!

Crux is - Let's talk to the people and understand their problem than telling them how bad Modi or Rahul is!  Let's not try to shorten their heights to make ourselves look taller.  LETS RISE!!!



Unknown said...

I also have the same feelings. We thought that you got a chance to proove your self by becoming CM of Delhi. Now, you have left that goal aside and now trying to solve so many problems across the country that it seems AAP has lost the focus. In my opinion, the best way to win hearts of ALERT (educated) CITIZENS of India is by showing what you can do and pursue it till the end. That would actually make a difference.

Sid said...

Thanks Dhanesh. Truly agree. I just hope APP is not just another bubble.

Amar said...

I wish we could really peep into his mind about why he left CM position to take a national presence, one question always troubles me is will any political party make a difference if Systems are made incorruptible first, we can go into elections every 5 years and keep looking at different leaders and have the same practices, this will sink our nation moment we have our economy down or some misshap takes takes, let's be honest do we really have choice other than AAP who can be vouching by lokpal in its true sense to make our nation withstand another century?

Sid said...

I agree with you Amar. My issue is - With so much talent in AAP, people wanted it to be the by-default party for the nation THAN becoming a forced choice in absence of good parties.

On Delhi, I still feel he could have held the fort and tried at least once more than giving up like that. AAP needs time to become AAM. Lets not hurry and fall. Lets rise slowly but Strong !

Unknown said...

Thank you Sidji, Very true. Whatever you said is a common feeling of a common man for a so called common man “Mr. Kejriwal”.

In a country like India, a person has to work hard to get the achievement so high so quickly, especially in politics. It’s almost impossible. Mr. Arvind you got this opportunity because people had faith in you, they still has, but somehow what you did and what you are doing is not acceptable. Your one mistake (based on EGO) can ruin the future of India. Please Think for INDIA.