What shocked me most is our CM announcing Rs. 10 lakhs to Bindra who is already a billionaire. I still do not know where does Maharashtra come into this and why should he give him award from State fund? I salute to Bindra's Gold but don't we have so many projects pending here due to less funds. Don't we need to channelize our money and energy at the places where its really needed? Why not donate that money to open a shooting academy that will create more Bindras?
Oops...I almost forgot...correct me if I m wrong...Hockey is still our National game and as per Indian Hockey academy, they are in dearth need of funds to provide best facilities and coaching to the team... Knock-Knock! You there Mr. CM?
tats a gr8 start siddharth, cheers! keep blogging!!
good job Siddy... putting ur thots down is simply superb...but remember not to go overboard wit too much action.. ahem ahem.. all the best and have fun!!
- Sandhya
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