Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Breaking News"

Switch on any news TV channel... specially in the afternoon and you see these great breaking news being splashed all over... I always felt that "Breaking News" is a term used for most important news in public interest.
Now look at these "so important" news clips and c(s)lap for our media... poor media... no Prince in bore well since long so Dogs and Cats are hogging the limelight !

Its time to wake up people... there are many things waiting to get attention... Bomb blasts, farmers committing suicide in Vidarbha, Child labour, Bangla border, Traffic menace, Drug spread, Admission issues etc ...
Here is a (S)Quiz for you -
# How many of us know that even to adopt a child you need to bribe here and the wait time is more than 18 months?
# How many of us know widespread of child labour in India?
# Did you know India is the only country where no medical insurance cover is granted to AIDS patients?
or simply...
# How many of us know that now there are 9 berths in a railway compartment waiting to suffocate you ;-)
Somewhere we are also responsible for this Media Menace... lets channelize our energy at right places to channelize these channels in right manner!


Sandya said...

very well said Sid...
BTW did you hear the latest.. no listening to music in cars...wats ur commment on that... blog dat.. ;-)

andy said...

quite true ..even the dogs can hog lime light ne point of time ..infact their is a section in the evening .which shows bout unique animals --for eg..a goat eating biscuits or a monkey drinking tea from a tumbler --man thats news --we r so deaf n dumb that we don't bother to sue them or just ask them to do this torcher to us --neways god going --wish u all the luck..with ur blog --and MERE BLOG MAE BHI COMMENT SECTION HAE...HOW MEAN ..I AM =I KNOW ....THANXS IN ADVANCE..

andy said...

error ---stop kha gayee --it meant that we dont bother to STOP ....and second error --god nahi good .